Thursday, July 30, 2009

Just forget it

So, I thought I was going to be like my friend, Katy, and post pics and stories of my kids here and the whole world was gonna read it and see how wonderful we are. Didn't happen. So, I have decided to take my blog in a different, and probably more "R" rated direction. So I will try to be more consistent, but I am not making any promises. I have commitment issues you know.

If you don't dig "R" rated, then feel free to hang out at my PG 13 Facebook page.

I would like to thank anybody who actually still checks this link. You are truly a faithful friend.

Stay tuned for more of my insane ramblings....

Saturday, April 4, 2009

An Update - finally

Amazingly we all survived this winter. We did experience an unusually large number of illnesses and trips to the doctor - let's NOT talk about how much money we spent on meds- and now the we can move on to sunshine & flowers. Yay!

I am realizing that it is very hard to get a picture of my son. He is NOT a fan of the mamarazzi! I may have to dress up as shrubbery, or get pics of him sleeping. This is a very dangerous mission. I may have to look up some Navy Seals maneuvers!

I hope you like these pics of Erin. I like the top one because it is so close to an eyes half closed pose - a lovely trait passed on by daddy, but being the amazing photographer that I am, I managed to get the snap! (there are, however, 3 eyes closed pics I am not sharing). Please do not be afraid that Erin is out in the woods at night scavenging for her meals - that second pic is merely a post-Elmo cupcake frosting face. We do provide food to our kids.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

It's a grumble day

I am cranky and irritable! I think that's all I should say today.

Though I am very grateful that my son & daughter are feeling better.

I'll check in later.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Hello again!

Thanks for reading.

So, we survived all the holidays, and have settled into the January doldrums. I HATE doldrums.

The kids are doing well. Jake is growing up so fast! He is cool & funny & handsome. He's a great kid. Gearing up for the big transition to high school next year. YIKES!

Erin is soo funny, and getting smarter every day. SHe is starting to recognize her letters and numbers, and she is so social! She loves the kids at the gym, and is starting to make little friends and interact. She is also busting out a couple of 2 year molars. Not so much fun, but she is taking it well, and it will be over soon - I hope!

Tim is keeping busy, which is good for us, because we know many people aren't even doing that. We ARE beginning to mourn the end of football season. Hopefully we can survive a few weeks with Celtics action, then baseball! Baseball = sunshine and happiness here!

Back to school for me this week. Can't wait to learn and grow. Well, grow my brain, but shrink my butt. Please pray to the God of your choice that I can "do it all". It goes against my lazy nature to do it all, so it may not be pretty.

Tim & I are also coming up on 1 full year of marriage!!! Only 3 more years until our first anniversary! GO TEAM COUGHLAN 2-29-08!

Peace out.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

imagine me & you...

It is just us. Just my laptop and I. Just my hope for the future. Just Windows Vista. It's kewl.

This laptop is more to me than checking emails and bank balances. There's a freedom to laptop that I am fully embracing. No sharing. No expectation. Just the love I want to share.

Thank you, Santa. Laptop = true love.

This posted pic is of my BIL Tom, and Christine's bird, Cricket @ Erin's bday party. This is posted because I am able.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Have to believe I am Magic!

Think I can do it? Will the new year give me the ability to actually post a pic of the kids?!?!

Oh BOY! There it is. My pantless daughter and her adorable "Boo" 'do!

Maybe my new laptop is giving me magical abillities to do things I have never done before!

Stay tuned to new and even more magical moments with the Coughlan clan!