Too much to tell you now, so let's just fast forward through all the winter/holiday whining and start ova!
This is a goal year for me. I have goals that I don't try real hard to attain, and I want to change that! SOOOO, I WILL be writing more, I WILL lose 20 lbs-in a row ( I have lost 30, but in 5lb increments that I gain right back-someone come up with a negative calorie beer STAT!), and I WILL have that yard sale, dammit!
So, that is the top 3. I had other things that I wanted to get involved in, and have actually been participating with them! Can you say "go getter??? I have become more politically aware AND active, which has been such a fun experience! Fun politics??? YUP! It is tremendously frustrating to watch all the corruption, strong arming, and loonacy, but when you actually get out there and fight for your rights, well, it's just plain exhilarating! I have met some very cool people and I am looking forward to helping our state, and our country, get back on track.
I also signed up for a stand up comedy course. I am ALWAYS cracking myself up, so I figured that could be a good way to possibly get paid to amuse myself! Even if they don't pay me, if anybody actually tells me I made them laugh I can ride that ego boosting wave for DECADES!
I have also become more aware of my food consumption. Do you know where your meats come from? Did you know that the corn based diet, designed to fatten cows, pigs, and chickens, is the cause of much of our food contamination? The mass "production" of animals leaves them physically incapable of walking or standing for long periods, and these poor creatures get no exercise or sunlight. They are packed into small areas and spend their days standing in their own excrement! Then they take them to slaughterhouses that employ illegal immigrants, who get arrested in small raids during the night so that the companies that employ them do not get investigated. (We will talk about the cleanliness of these buildings on a later date!) I am VERY lucky that a friend of mine told me about the Mass Local Food Co-op. The producers associated with the co-op grow locally grown, organic, and pasture raised meats, cheeses, vegetables and dairy! I just had my monthly pick up and was delighted with my selection of breads, like the super delish cinnamon loaf from Maple Heights Farm, and I can smell my pork ribs groovin in the crock pot all the way up to my room! Got meat???
I am also going to school, but right now I am just taking math. It sucks and I don't want to give it any more attention than I have to, so let's just skip that lame ass chapter! (I will NEVER forgive you, linear equations! NEVER!)
So, thanks for visiting my blog. I promise to spend more time recording my journeys and that future posts will (probably) be more funny than this one.